The dreams continue.
5:27:00 PM 7/22/2024

During my nap, in the dream I woke up from it but not for real. There was someone strangely in my apartment. Seemed kind of lost. I asked who he was and why he was here and he just left. Then I went back to my nap. Then I woke up and my coworker was here, making coffee, and I went back to sleep. The third time there was someone and I took a while to get out of bed. He left quickly and that's when I noticed he was painting my entire apartment blue. Or at least tried. He got some of the walls, the table, the entry to the bathroom. I yelled after him in three building stairway, not angry but just asking why and who he was. (He was kind of hot, by the way. Tall, a bit burly, Asian.) He didn't answer. I got the impression the same as the first person that he had made a mistake and gone to the wrong autrement l apartment.