An IndieWeb Webring 🕸💍

  • Blog posts
  • Slump (A poem)

    Wind rushing by my ears
    Branches slap my face
    Speed increasing
    As gravity drags me down
    Into its bosom
    Woosh, whack, whiz
    As I wake up
    To a once hidden nightmare.


    4:26:00 PM 12/19/2024
  • A Manifesto? - Part 1: New Ways of Being

    I have an idea rattling around in my head. An embryo of an idea. A little intellectual itch nagging at me. A perpetual refrain when my mind idles and looks for the nearest thing to alight on. A noti...

    4:06:00 PM 10/13/2024
  • The dreams continue.

    During my nap, in the dream I woke up from it but not for real. There was someone strangely in my apartment. Seemed kind of lost. I asked who he was and why he was here and he just left. Then I went...

    3:27:00 PM 7/22/2024
  • More dreams

    I just woke up from another bad dream. I'm not sure if you can call this one a nightmare because I normal associate them with fear and this was sadness, stress. Stuff happened before but the part I ...

    9:33:00 AM 7/20/2024
How I'm Spending My Free Time
Total playtime in the last two weeks

9.45 hours